"When we started seeing knock-offs we felt flattered, but then the horror stories started flooding in"
- Allan, Co-Founder of The Ski Strap™️
As avid skiers, we knew that offering a safe and secure strap was a must. We combined our experience as skiers with feedback from real users and topped it with extreme attention to detail to make The Ski Strap™️ perfect. As more and more knockoffs start to appear, here are some ways to ensure your skis don't end up hitting the ground.
Theirs: Not weather resistant. Cracks in cold temperatures.

Ours: Weather resistant. Injection moulding manufactured using high-grade plastic.

Touch Fastener
Theirs: Fasteners lose stickiness after several uses.

Ours: Superior manufacturing keeps your skis secure for a lifetime of use.

Theirs: Single Stitch rips easily under the weight of skis.
Ours: Reinforced double stitched with added X pattern keeps your equipment safe and secure.
Ours: Reinforced double stitched with added X pattern keeps your equipment safe and secure.

Theirs: No foam protection causes cuts straps and dulls skis.

Ours: Soft foam protects your edges and keeps your straps safe.

On top of all this, we are careful to supervise the quality of material used in every Ski Strap made and ensure that everything we build is built for a lifetime. Do it once and do it right is our motto, consider making buy it once and buy it right yours.